Top Greatest Wrestlers of All Time
You’re going to love this blog post if you have a craze for wrestling. We have made a list of some of the best wrestlers ever. Let’s find out who’s in the list:
The Undertaker
The Undertaker or Mark William Calaway is an American professional wrestler. He is also ranked among the richest wrestlers. His fanbase isn’t limited to a country; instead, he is known by people all over the world. He started his career in 1987, working as different gimmicks for WCCW and other affiliation promotion programs and became WCWA Texas Heavyweight Champion and USWA United World Heavyweight Champion during the same time.
Chris Benoit
Christopher Michael Benoit was a Canadian wrestler. During his professional career spanning 22 years, he worked for many promotion programs, including World Wrestling Entertainment/ World Wrestling Federation, Extreme Championship Wrestling, World Championship Wrestling, and the New Japan Pro-Wrestling.
Eddie Guerrero
Eddie Guerrero was a popular American professional wrestler. Being the son of first generation wrestler Gory Guerrero, he was an important member of the Guerrero family. Eddie Guerrero worked in Japan and Mexico for many professional wrestling promotions, and in the US he performed for World Championship Wrestling (WCW), Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW), and most importantly World Wrestling Entertainment/Foundation (WWE/WWF).
Curt Hennig
Curt Hennig or Mr. Perfect was an American wrestler, color commentator and manager. He is one of the those who performed under his real name for promotions, including the World Wrestling Foundation (Now WWE), American Wrestling Association (AWA), and Total Nonsop Action Wrestling. Wreslting was in his blood. He is the son of Larry “The Axe” Hennig and father of Curtis Axel.
Who is your favorite wrestler? Have something to add to this? Use the comment section below to share your valuable feedback.
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